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Hi guys!! today i'm going to talk about what i'm doing right now hahaha well in this moment i am listening songs of "The choirs singer" or "Les choristes" this is a beautiful french movie and it is a school where very rebellious children go until a teacher arrived and composed music that later he teach the course that he was app pointed. All the children sang very nice they had beautiful voices especially a child who called him the angel face because he was really gorgeous and pretty with a big and blue eyes and with big voice like a angel hahahah and finally all children end up loving this teacher.
Wow ... well it has been a long time and things have had a great change in our society, i just want the country and things to change, it's very sad to see the instagram videos of the police kicking pushing young people in the streets and not being able to do anything to stop all this. So we just have to wait for things to improve and justicie is done and let the president resign.


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